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How to Remove Pitta from the Body with Ayurveda?

The body is controlled by the dosha of Pitta, which is the third major dosha in Ayurveda and it controls metabolism, digestion, and change. In pitta imbalance there is acidity, inflammation, skin condition, irritability. Ayurveda gives natural and natural cures to bring a balance and get rid of excess pitta from your body. Let’s see how to get that in-between, and lead a healthier life.

Understanding Pitta Dosha

Pitta is made up of fire and water. It’s linked to things such as hotness, razor-sharpness, stinginess. Symptoms of over-pitta can be:

  • Acid reflux and heartburn
  • Skin rashes and acne
  • Excessive sweating
  • Irritability and anger
  • Loose stools

Ayurveda stresses cooling, soothing and balancing to expel pitta.

What Causes Excessive Body Heat?

According to Ayurveda, due to deficiency of pitta – one of the five doshas of Ayurveda – in the body this causes major depositing of body heat, so the first question would be how to reduce the pitta level in the body? Before discussing pitta reduction let’s see how this can happen. This can be for any number of reasons such as:

A diet that makes the body fat (pantta) and has lots of preservative-laden food.

  • Continuous exposure to the sun
  • Exposure to chemicals
  • Mental and physical stress
  • In hyperthyroidism, body temperature may even surge.
  • Strenuous exercise might also spike body temperature.

Some antibiotics and opioids might heat you up. Lethargy, vertigo, excessive sweating, muscle spasms, quick pulse, headache, low blood pressure – these are all the symptoms of too much heat in the body.

If you understand how to handle this then you will be able to answer "How to lower heat in the body?". as well "What to do to get rid of Pitta"

Ayurvedic Tips to Remove Pitta from the Body

1. Follow a Pitta-Pacifying Diet

A balanced diet is the cornerstone of Ayurvedic healing. To calm pitta, incorporate cooling and soothing foods while avoiding spicy, sour, and salty items.

  • Foods to Include:some text
    • Fresh fruits like watermelon, cucumber, and grapes
    • Leafy greens and bitter vegetables like kale and spinach
    • Whole grains like rice and oats
    • Dairy products like milk, ghee, and buttermilk
    • Herbs like coriander, fennel, and mint
  • Foods to Avoid:some text
    • Spicy foods
    • Fermented foods
    • Citrus fruits
    • Fried and processed foods

2. Hydrate Adequately

Stay hydrated with cooling beverages to flush out toxins and reduce pitta’s fiery nature.

  • Drink coconut water, herbal teas, and aloe vera juice.
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol.

3. Herbal Remedies

Ayurveda recommends specific herbs to balance pitta:

  • Neem: Detoxifies the body and improves skin health.
  • Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Rich in Vitamin C, it cools and rejuvenates.
  • Guduchi: An excellent herb for reducing inflammation.
  • Shatavari: Promotes hydration and hormonal balance.

4. Lifestyle Changes

Adopting a pitta-friendly lifestyle can significantly help balance this dosha:

  • Sleep Schedule: Go to bed early and wake up early to align with natural rhythms.
  • Exercise: Engage in calming activities like yoga, swimming, or walking. Avoid high-intensity workouts.
  • Stress Management: Practice meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness.

5. Detoxification

Ayurvedic detox therapies are highly effective in removing excess pitta:

  • Panchakarma:Panchakarma is a five-step detoxification process that eliminates toxins and restores dosha balance.
  • Virechana: A purgation therapy specifically designed to cleanse pitta from the body.

6. Use Pitta-Balancing Oils

Massage with cooling oils to relax the body and mind:

  • Coconut oil
  • Sandalwood oil
  • Brahmi oil

Massaging with these oils reduces inflammation, promotes relaxation, and calms the mind.

Home Remedies to Balance Pitta

1. Coriander Tea

  • Boil 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds in water.
  • Strain and drink daily.

2. Aloe Vera Gel

  • Consume 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel daily on an empty stomach.

3. Cucumber and Mint Salad

  • Prepare a refreshing salad with cucumber, mint, and a dash of lemon juice.

4. Buttermilk with Spices

  • Mix cumin, coriander, and mint with buttermilk for a cooling drink.

Signs of Balanced Pitta

When pitta is balanced, you will experience:

  • Clear skin and a glowing complexion
  • Healthy digestion without acidity
  • A calm and focused mind
  • Improved energy levels


It is extremely important to balance pitta dosha for optimal health and wellness. With the help of Ayurvedic tips — a pitta-calming diet, herbs, changes in lifestyle and detox therapies — you can get rid of excess pitta. As Naturoville is Ayurveda trained, we provide you with individual wellness plans and treatments so that you are dosha-balanced and can live happily.

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